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Monday 15 May 2023

How To Activate Motion Alarm In Android Mobile

 How To Activate Motion Alarm In Android Mobile

Introduction :

Hello friends if you want to activate motion detection alarm in Android phone then this is very useful app to activate the alarm for every Android mobile.

Here are available many types of options like anti theft and motion detection also the home location alarm and outside sensor and many more.

After activating this alarm system if someone try to theft your mobile then it’s automatically ringing or detect any motion with the device then the alarm are activated.

Contact Us For Any Quarries :

If you have any question regarding this mobile trick then definitely you can provide the question below in comment option I will try to reply as soon as possible definitely.

If you want to share mobile tips and tricks related ideas and contents then it can available for all in contact us form or you can send via email also submit the comment.

This mobile tricks are very useful for security purpose of any device from thefts or loss and all type of situations when this alarm are reminder in actual time.

How To Activate Motion Alarm :

To activate this feature you need to install an App in the mobile so the apps link available below in the download button just click on it and its redirect on Play Store so firstly install it and follow the next process.

Accept all the requirement permission for better performance then here are available many type of sensors feature so choose any one and activate this.

Now here are available settings option where can change the alarm tone and vibration quality also many options of alarm tone.

They are also have another settings which is very useful so I think you have to check this once and its very important in our life in this time.

important link find by ehubcentre team for u


There are a few ways to activate motion alarm in an Android mobile. Here are a few methods:

Using the Clock app

  1. Open the Clock app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on the Alarms tab.
  3. Tap on the + button to create a new alarm.
  4. In the Alarm name field, enter a name for your alarm.
  5. In the Time field, select the time you want your alarm to go off.
  6. In the Repeat field, select the days of the week you want your alarm to repeat.
  7. Tap on the Sound field to select a sound for your alarm.
  8. Tap on the Vibration field to enable vibration for your alarm.
  9. Tap on the Motion field to enable motion detection for your alarm.
  10. Tap on the Save button to save your alarm.

Using a third-party app

There are a number of third-party apps that you can use to create motion alarms. Some popular options include:

  • Motion Alarm - Triggers on Phone
  • Motion Detector Alarm
  • Motion Alarm Pro

To use a third-party app, first download and install the app from the Google Play Store. Once the app is installed, open it and follow the on-screen instructions to create a motion alarm.

Tips for using motion alarms

Here are a few tips for using motion alarms:

  • Make sure that your phone is turned on and unlocked when you want your motion alarm to go off.
  • Place your phone in a location where it will be easily moved if someone tries to access it without your permission.
  • Set a sensitivity level for your motion alarm. This will determine how much movement is required to trigger the alarm.
  • Test your motion alarm to make sure that it is working properly.

Motion alarms can be a great way to protect your phone from unauthorized access. By following these tips, you can ensure that your motion alarm is working properly and that it will protect your phone from unauthorized access.

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