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Thursday, 29 April 2021

(ભારતના સુપ્રસિદ્ધ મંદિરોના લાઈવ દર્શન કરવા માટે અહીં થી) Live Darshan for India All Temple

Live Darshan for India All Temple

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Somnath Temple, Saurashtra

One of the oldest tabernacles in India and one of the most important of the 12 jyotirlingas, Somnath Temple is near the ancient megacity of Veravat in Saurashtra on the west seacoast of Gujarat. The tabernacle is representing the noble Chuka architectural style. The megacity of Veraval is about 412 km from Ahmedabad and utmost excursionists visit Somnath tabernacle from Rajkot. Check out the Triveni Sangam Temple and the Pancha Pandava Gufa while you're there in Somnath along with Parashurama tabernacle and Suraj tabernacle. 

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Dwarkadhish Temple, Dwarka
Dwarkadhish Temple, Dwarka

 One of the Char Dhams of India, Dwarka has a special place in the hearts of Hindu pilgrims and spiritual campaigners. The other three Dhams are Badrinath- Kedarnath, Puri, and Rameswaram. Dwarka was the megacity ruled by the Hindu God and Avatar of Lord Vishnu shree Krishna and its home to some of the most splendid Hindu tabernacles all devoted to Lord Krishna the Dwarkadhish. The religious mecca of Dwarka is 441 km from Ahmedabad. Some great tabernacles to see then are Shri Dwarkadhish Temple, Nageshwar Jyotirlinga, Rukshamanee tabernacleetc. 

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Hanuman Temple, Salangpur
Hanuman Temple, Salangpur

 Shri Hanuman Ji Temple in Sarangpur is world notorious for its beauty and spiritual significance. Swaminarayan Sampraday’s Vadtal Gadi controls the keep and conservation of this tabernacle. It’s said that a visit to this tabernacle will cleanse the body and mind of the addicts of evil spirits. In Hinduism Hanuman Ji is known as Sankat Mochan or the destroyer of all problems. 

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 The main tabernacle, enclosed by a stronghold wall, is positioned near the bank of the holy lake Gomti in the midst of the main emporium of Dakor. The tabernacle is covered with 8 polls and 24 turrets, with the central pate reaching a height of 27m. culminated with a golden kalash and a white silken flag, this tabernacle is the altitudinous in the quarter. Though not veritably rich in figure, the main cupola derives its influence from the Maharashtrian style of tabernacle armature. The main hall features oils depicting events in Lord Krishna’s life. 

 It's believed that Ranchhodji, a name for Lord Krishna meaning" he who left the battleground", inspired Gopal Jagannath Ambekar, a shroff of a Peshwa’s court in Poona, in a dream to make a vast and magnific tabernacle. The tabernacle was erected in 1772A.D. The main Ranchhodrai hero is in black criterion, 1m altitudinous and 45 cm in breadth, plushly adorned with gold, jewels and precious clothes. Its throne, an ornate masterpiece of woodcarving plated in tableware and gold, was presented by the Gaekwad of Baroda. 

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Ambaji Temple, Banaskantha
Ambaji Temple, Banaskantha

 Ambaji is a major sacred place in Gujarat and the tabernacle is associated with Goddess Amba and Lord Krishna. Ambaji Temple is one of the most popular Hindu pilgrim spots. This beautiful tabernacle is located some 179 kilometers from Ahmedabad. 

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Jalarambapa Temple, Rajkot
Jalarambapa Temple, Rajkot

 The beautiful city of Rajkot is home to the notorious Jalaram Bapa Mandir of Gujarat. Jalaram Bapa was one of the notorious Hindu saints, who were born back in 14th November 1799 and he has a huge religious following all across the world. 

The Jay Jalaram Mandir, Jalaram Prarthana temple, and the Sri Jalaram Seva Mandir are just 

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કોરોના કાળમા ઘરે રહિને સલામત રીતે દર્શન કરીએ

 Gujarat is one of the most sacred countries in India as it's the land of Lord Krishna as well as Dayanand Saraswati, Bapa Sitaram, Jalaram Bapa and so numerous other saints. This state has a great literal significance in terms of the tradition of Hinduism and is also considered as the land of saints. tabernacles of Gujarat all the Hindu saints have changed the history of India with their blessings and devotion and fidelity towards the addicts.

 Lots of ancient tabernacles of Gujarat which is full of lovely armature evocative of the royal styles of an period gone in. Gujarat has been constantly in the spotlight for its beautiful tabernacles.

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