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Tuesday 30 November 2021

Nishtha trainning FLN 3.0




          In the first phase of Nistha training which was completed in the last academic year, most of the primary teachers took specific type of training class wise and various cluster wise it was organized systematically. The loyalty training was organized in a fun way and the teachers enthusiastically participated in it. 

Nishtha trainning FLN 3.0

Since there is no possibility of all the primary teachers of the state being included in one freeze, the training was organized in two pieces as the establishment of primary teachers is higher in some districts of the state. 

NISHTHA talim 2021 for teachers

Since this training was not done in two parts, the first part was devoted to various activities, various technologies as well as loyalty training through experts. This loyalty training was more fun because the six-day loyalty training was very interesting. Was because all the activities were practical in it and due to the practical knowledge all the primary teachers were enthusiastic. Who participated in this training? The duration of the training was also kept full so that all the benefits can be taken by the teachers properly.

Nishtha talim ahewal download

 But even before the second part of the loyalty training of the remaining primary teachers was organized, the coronavirus epidemic had spread all over India and also in the state of Gujarat so that the entire state was locked up with the educational institutions of the state of Gujarat. Part Two was held. Now in a situation where there is no possibility of opening educational institutions, even the primary teachers have to go to the school randomly.

Nishtha talim quiz answers

 At present, 40 to 50 per cent non-stop attendance is present in the primary schools. Teachers are also doing various work given by the education department. Teachers of primary department as well as upper primary department are also undergoing various types of online training. Along with this, loyalty training was also organized online so that all the teachers who were planned to appear in Part-II joined the online loyalty training to take loyalty training online. 

But it was also very interesting as the training came in a variety of modules as well as the DOWNLOAD PDF FILE FROM HERE

             The entire module was discussed in detail in the video content and the training provided by the teaching experts was also a very high quality fi. The training given by them was a permanent memento. After the concept of 18 total call modules of loyalty training was realized The homework was also to be written as each point of the content was included

નિષ્ઠા 3.0 FLN પરિપત્ર  2021

સેલ્ફ ડિકલેરેશન દીક્ષા પ્લેટફોર્મ પર કઈ રીતે કરવું તેની સમજ આપતો વિડીયો

Download diksha app CLICK HERE

Nishtha 3.0 FLN ટેલી કોન્ફરન્સ પરિપત્ર 30/9/2021

GJ 1 FLN મિશનનો પરિચય કોર્સમાં જોડાવા માટેની લિંક અહીં ક્લિક કરો

GJ 2 ક્ષમતા આધારિત શિક્ષણ તરફ પ્રયાણ કોર્સમાં જોડાવા માટેની લિંક અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Date 1/10/2021 બાયસેગ તાલીમ નિષ્ઠા 3.0 અગત્યના મુદ્દા

નિષ્ઠા તાલીમ ધોરણ 1 થી 5 ના શિક્ષકો તેમજ આચાર્યો માટે લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર તારીખ 23/9/2021

નિષ્ઠા તાલીમ ના અહેવાલ લખવા અને જમા કરાવવા બાબત GCERT નો આજનો(૦૪/૧૦/૨૦૨૨) લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Nishtha 3.0 Answer Keys

Module 1 Click Here

Module 2 Click here

Module 3 click here

નિષ્ઠા તાલીમ GCERT પરિપત્ર 7/10/2021

અધ્યેતાને સમજવા: બાળકો કેવી રીતે શીખે છે? નિષ્ઠા મોડ્યુલ:‌૩ જોઈન થવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

પાયાની સાક્ષરતા અને સંખ્યાજ્ઞાન (FLN) માટે માતાપિતા અને સમુદાયોની ભાગીદારી. નિષ્ઠા મોડ્યુલ:‌૪ જોઈન થવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

💥🌀🌐 *આવતીકાલથી શરૂ થનાર દિક્ષાના મોડ્યુલ નંબર 5 અને 6ની લિંક*

*ગુજરાતી મીડીયમ*

*મોડ્યુલ 5*

GJ_5_‘વિદ્યાપ્રવેશ’ અને ‘બાલવાટિકા’ ને સમજવા(NISHTHA FLN) 

Click here for join course

*મોડ્યુલ 6*

GJ_6_પાયાની ભાષા અને સાક્ષરતા(NISHTHA FLN) really interesting and helpful 

Click here for join course

. After all these report writing tasks were completed, it was planned to submit a report writing file for the purpose of CRC Co-ordinator so that All the files go to the district education training building and each teacher can be properly evaluated accordingly. After completion of the training each module price completed the training online certificate had to be downloaded from the initiation portal. The process of completing the training online was very easy so teachers This was an attempt to complete the training and all the module reporting was simplified


Module 1 Ahewal CLICK HERE

Module 2 Ahewal Click here

Nishtha Aheval Gujarati Module1 to 3 & Word File

Click here to write a module 3 report

Click here to write an October 6 report

Click here to write a module 3 report




Nishtha Aheval Gujarati Module 4 to 6 & Word File

Module 4 Report Writing Template Word File- 1 Click Here

Click Module 4,5 and 6 Quiz Answer pdf

Module 5 Report Writing Word File Click Here

Module 6 Report Writing Word File Click Here



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Ancient and modern names of cities of Gujarat

Ancient and modern names of cities of Gujarat

This approach makes sense to most citizens, but in practice it will require overcoming years of ingrained assumptions about the proper roles of the federal, state and local governments in providing America's children with a quality education.

Title I came into being as part of the landmark ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) of 1965 and remains the centerpiece of the federal role in public education. Its purpose always has been commendable: to boost academic performance of poor and disadvantaged children and reduce the performance gap between rich and poor students. Despite this clear and present commitment, Title I has failed to deliver the results it promised. The academic achievement of disadvantaged students has not been significantly improved, and the performance gap between rich and poor has not been significantly narrowed.

Perhaps the most glaring example of a critical area where Title I efforts have failed to produce results is reading. Despite a purported emphasis on reading and language arts, reading preparedness in our schools is severely lacking. A great deal has been learned about how and when to focus on reading and reading readiness. This research indicates that the quality of early childhood literacy programs predicts later reading success and language development, and offers greater potential for overall academic success.

This legacy of failure results largely from misplaced priorities and flawed design. Chief among these shortcomings are a focus on process rather than results, a proclivity for funding school systems rather than children, and a design that leaves parents on the outside looking in as decisions are made that affect their children's education and future.

In many states, nearly 39 percent of state education department staff are required to oversee and administer federal education dollars, though they account for only about 8 percent of total spending. A needed focus on improving the academic performance of disadvantaged children has taken a back seat to demands that money be spent in dictated categories and that mandated processes be meticulously followed and accounted for. Though the federal contribution to education is small, it has a dramatic effect on state and local policies. Today, more and more, that effect is slipping from positive to neutral to harmful.

Bureaucratic micro-management of inflexible and burdensome regulations never will improve the education of a single child. Washington must recognize the proper role of state, local and school leaders to set priorities and make decisions on how to achieve educational goals. It also must recognize the primacy of parents as children's first and most important teachers.

In exchange for this freedom and flexibility, state and local officials should be held accountable for delivering results for all children. Meaningful accountability requires clear and measurable standards, and annual assessment of student learning at the state level. On this basis, there should be rewards for success and real consequences for failure. This point is critical to assuring that all children, regardless of income or location, receive the quality education they deserve.

If our democracy is to endure and prosper, we cannot continue to tolerate two systems of education - one of high expectations for the children of the fortunate and one of lesser standards for children of poverty and color. What is most important is that it need not be this way.

 ગુજરાત: પ્રાચીન અને અર્વાચીન નામો

It is a matter of faith among all educators that the involvement of parents is a vital component of educational success, particularly among disadvantaged students. Yet, as currently configured, the system denies parents the opportunity to take action on behalf of their children when schools fail them. Federal policy has more than a little to do with that denial.

It is a matter of justice that parents should have the ultimate authority to decide what type of education their children receive and that federal dollars - like state and local dollars - should follow the lead set by parents.

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Indians do not need a visa to visit so many countries

Indians do not need a visa to visit so many countries

A Guide On How To Understand Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency?

Even though Bitcoin is one of the most searched for terms (according to Google), it is a very technical subject for a lot of people and can get overly technical for non geeks. However, there are now hundreds of cryptocurrencies and more and more people are starting to want to get to know how they work possibly driven by a dis trust of bankers, which is a whole different discussion.

It is difficult to get a lay man's explanation without having to use technical terms such as "secret keys", "digital keys", "digital wallet" and "cryptocurrency" so I will do my best to keep things as straight forward as I possibly can.

The Concept of Fiat money i.e. paper currency, was formulated to make it simpler for people to make an exchange for goods or services to replace bartering, as this would be limited to an exchange between two willing parties at best, whereas money allows you to provide your service or goods, then purchase whatever service or goods you require from another or others.

Therefore, I would argue that Bitcoin is the 21st Century equivalent to bartering, in that it works as an exchange for goods or services directly between two willing parties. Bartering had to be based on each promise and trust, to provide and deliver the promised goods or service.

Today with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency each party would need a unique file or unique key to exchange the agreed value between each other.

By having a unique key or file it becomes easier to keep a record on each transaction. However, this too comes with problems.

Now, bartering is the simple exchange of skills or goods as I have already stated, the modern equivalent, or bitcoin is susceptible to security breaches, i.e. theft or hacking of files, this is where a "cryptocurrency wallet" comes into the equation to secure your transactions.

Basically you need a secure location for your cryptocurrency/bitcoin purchases and holdings. This is where the need for a hardware wallet comes from.

 કયા દેશોમાં જવા માટે ભારતીયોને વિઝાની જરૂર નથી પડતી જાણવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

So now that you have written down/recorded which address holds which amount of Bitcoins and then updated every time a transaction is made, the file is known as "The blockchain" - and it keeps a record of all transactions made with bitcoin.

The next issue is to ensure our files remain unique.

I will be dealing this in my next article.

I have a free report on bitcoin for beginners,

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Sunday 28 November 2021

About rain forecast

About rain forecast

વાતાવરણમાં પલટો:કમોસમી વરસાદ બાદ ફરી કાતિલ ઠંડીનું મોજું ફરી વળશે, ગાઢ ધુમ્મસ છવાઈ જતાં અમદાવાદમાં વહેલી સવારથી હિલ સ્ટેશન જેવું વાતાવરણ
અમદાવાદએક કલાક પહેલા

Watch Video Click here 


આગામી 3 દિવસ અમદાવાદમાં લઘુતમ તાપમાન 12 ડીગ્રીથી નીચે જવાની સંભાવના

 The environment of the house used to be deadly strict those days. Our parents would leave no chance to remind us that we were supposed to study hard for the board exams. We, on the other hand, were as careless as we had always been. Due to this strict attitude of our parents, we used to be reluctant to stay home and would try to spend as much time as we could outside just to have some more time to stay away from books and enjoy. I and my friend, Vinesh (a.k.a. Vinna) used to live in neighboring areas (or sectors, as they are called in my hometown). So we would always go to tuition and come back together on our bicycles.

આગામી 3 દિવસ અમદાવાદમાં લઘુતમ તાપમાન 12 ડીગ્રીથી નીચે જવાની સંભાવના

We would reach an hour or more before the scheduled time and come back late as well just to kill as much time as we could outside the danger zone, that were our homes. As an added benefit, our parents would think that we were devoting extra time to Maths as it was a difficult one. We were not given mobile phones by then, which was a big relief in itself.

કાતિલ ઠંડીનું મોજું ફરી વળશે સમાચાર અહીંથી વાંચો

There was a railroad crossing on our way that was famous for being almost always closed for vehicles due to the high frequency of trains on that route (now, they have constructed an over-bridge on it).

અનેક જગ્યાએ વરસાદ ના ન્યુઝ જોવા અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો

However, as can be easily expected from impatient Indians like us, everybody and everything excluding cars and other heavy vehicles would usually pass through from under the post with a little hassle even when it was closed. So there was no problem for any kind of two-wheeler vehicle to cross it under any circumstances.

વાવાઝોડા ના ન્યુઝ જોવા અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો

4 ડિસેમ્બરે ગુજરાતમાં આવી શકે છે વધુ એક વાવાઝોડું
જવાદ નામનું વાવાઝોડું લઈ શકે છે ચક્રાવાતી તોફાનનું રૂપ

ગુજરાતમાં આવી રહ્યું છે વાવાઝોડું

વાવાઝોડા અંગેના સમાચાર જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.


વરસાદ પડવાની આગાહી બાબત સમાચાર જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

💥🌧️આજે ક્યાં ક્યાં વિસ્તારમાં વરસાદ પડશે*

👇🏿જાણો લાઈવ હવામાન ની અપડ

ઑફિશ્યલ site click here

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 વરસાદ વિશેની આગાહી વિશે જાણવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

On our way back home, we used to stop our bicycles at the crossing and look at the trains passing by. We would debate on the estimated speed of the train passing by. When one train would pass and the post open, instead of crossing the railroad, we would decide to wait for one more train so that we could have more time for our important discussion over train speeds and so on until at least 4 to 5 trains would pass. That was a really great pastime for us and we just loved doing it every day religiously.

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How the bullet train was brought to India, the dream of bullet train will be fulfilled soon

How the bullet train was brought to India, the dream of bullet train will be fulfilled soon

This approach makes sense to most citizens, but in practice it will require overcoming years of ingrained assumptions about the proper roles of the federal, state and local governments in providing America's children with a quality education.

Title I came into being as part of the landmark ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) of 1965 and remains the centerpiece of the federal role in public education. Its purpose always has been commendable: to boost academic performance of poor and disadvantaged children and reduce the performance gap between rich and poor students. Despite this clear and present commitment, Title I has failed to deliver the results it promised. The academic achievement of disadvantaged students has not been significantly improved, and the performance gap between rich and poor has not been significantly narrowed.

Perhaps the most glaring example of a critical area where Title I efforts have failed to produce results is reading. Despite a purported emphasis on reading and language arts, reading preparedness in our schools is severely lacking. A great deal has been learned about how and when to focus on reading and reading readiness. This research indicates that the quality of early childhood literacy programs predicts later reading success and language development, and offers greater potential for overall academic success.

This legacy of failure results largely from misplaced priorities and flawed design. Chief among these shortcomings are a focus on process rather than results, a proclivity for funding school systems rather than children, and a design that leaves parents on the outside looking in as decisions are made that affect their children's education and future.

In many states, nearly 39 percent of state education department staff are required to oversee and administer federal education dollars, though they account for only about 8 percent of total spending. A needed focus on improving the academic performance of disadvantaged children has taken a back seat to demands that money be spent in dictated categories and that mandated processes be meticulously followed and accounted for. Though the federal contribution to education is small, it has a dramatic effect on state and local policies. Today, more and more, that effect is slipping from positive to neutral to harmful.

Bureaucratic micro-management of inflexible and burdensome regulations never will improve the education of a single child. Washington must recognize the proper role of state, local and school leaders to set priorities and make decisions on how to achieve educational goals. It also must recognize the primacy of parents as children's first and most important teachers.

In exchange for this freedom and flexibility, state and local officials should be held accountable for delivering results for all children. Meaningful accountability requires clear and measurable standards, and annual assessment of student learning at the state level. On this basis, there should be rewards for success and real consequences for failure. This point is critical to assuring that all children, regardless of income or location, receive the quality education they deserve.

If our democracy is to endure and prosper, we cannot continue to tolerate two systems of education - one of high expectations for the children of the fortunate and one of lesser standards for children of poverty and color. What is most important is that it need not be this way.

 બુલેટ ટ્રેન વિશે જાણવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

It is a matter of faith among all educators that the involvement of parents is a vital component of educational success, particularly among disadvantaged students. Yet, as currently configured, the system denies parents the opportunity to take action on behalf of their children when schools fail them. Federal policy has more than a little to do with that denial.

It is a matter of justice that parents should have the ultimate authority to decide what type of education their children receive and that federal dollars - like state and local dollars - should follow the lead set by parents.

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The world's unique underwater bridge. The world's unique bridge

The world's unique underwater bridge.

The world's unique bridge

Banks lend money to the public, for various purposes, like purchase or construction of a home, for purchase of consumer goods like a TV, Music System, etc. Banks also finance businesses, both manufacturing and services. Apart from all these, they also extend personal loans to members of the public.

This service provided by Banks, namely, financing, or more commonly called lending, is fraught with several inherent risks. Loan defaults may occur for more than one reason, including reasons beyond the control of the borrowers, like for example, in case of floods or a Tsunami that may wipe out the assets of the borrower, apart from rendering him incapable of restarting his business immediately. The most serious risk to Banks in the lending process is the risk of non payment of the loan by the borrower. Imagine a situation where none of the borrowers of Banks repay the loans availed of by them! This could lead to a collapse of the Banking industry!

The current spate of Bank failures in America and elsewhere is, in good part, on account of borrower defaults. Whereas, in an ideal situation, every borrower repays the loan availed by him, from the Bank, in real life, this does not happen. Many a time, borrowers, both individuals and institutions, fail to keep up their repayment commitments, affecting the well being of the lending Bank. Sometimes, there are even genuine reasons why borrowers become defaulters.


This being the case, Banks invariably, have in place, norms and procedures that they follow before parting with money to a borrower. Banks examine and evaluate credit proposals, as to their viability and feasibility, both technically and financially, before taking a decision to grant a loan. Each loan is appraised individually to ascertain the soundness of the proposal and only then a decision to grant a loan is taken. Obtaining of security for loans is one of the safeguards that Banks exercise to secure their interests.Among the various precautions observed by the Banks to safeguard their interests in the lending process, is the obtention of security for the loan extended by them.


Definition of Security: Security, in relation to a loan extended by a Bank to a borrower, means, an asset, of any kind or description, having certain qualities, among them, monetary value, that can be possessed by the Bank, in the event of default, and applied toward repayment of the loan.


Having extended the loan to the borrower, Bank would naturally like to ensure that the loan is repaid with the interest thereon. That is, Bank would want to secure the loan. This is done by way of creating a charge against the asset financed by the Bank. The type of charge created depends on the nature of loan, and the security.


Basically, there are two types of securities available to Banks to secure a loan. They are Primary security and Collateral security.

The world's unique બ્રિજ જોવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

Primary Security refers to the asset directly created out of Bank finance. For example, where a Bank finances the purchase of a home, the home is the primary security. In the same way, a car purchased with the help of a Bank loan, is the primary security for that loan. Bank creates a charge against this primary security, to secure its loan. This charge gives the Bank the legal authority to dispose off the asset, and apply the proceeds therefrom, to the loan amount in default.


Collateral Security refers to certain additional security obtained by the Bank to secure the loan.   For example, say, a Bank has financed the purchase of machinery by a Pharmaceutical manufacturing company. This machinery would be the primary security for this loan. In addition, the Bank may obtain collateral security in the form of the factory building owned by the company, as additional security. This will guard Bank's  interests in the event of the primary security not having sufficient value to liquidate the loan.   Sometimes, on account of adverse market conditions, the value of the primary security gets eroded, exposing the Bank to a higher risk than it had originally bargained for.

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Saturday 27 November 2021

Why is the English name of India India?

 Why is the English name of India India?

The focus on affordable housing in India has considerably increased in the recent years due to the various incentives and schemes which are being backed by the government. Also, as an icing on the cake, the home loans have become cheaper. So, this is indeed a high time when several investors and home buyers are purchasing the affordable housing in India. The Union Budget of 2017 announced the affordable housing to be the primary base of developing the "infrastructure" in the country. The businesses which are engaged in offering affordable housing are liable to receive cheaper loans from different nationalized banks and also certain tax concessions. Moreover, there are several foreign funding pouring in which is significantly boosting the infrastructure sector in India. With this particular move, the Indian government is aiming to provide the infrastructure sector in India a major fillip.

There are several property buyers in India who dream of owning their own houses within an affordable budget. Some of these buyers aim in purchasing the affordable housing for residential purposes whereas some intend to purchase these properties as an investment avenue. In case you are one of the many Indians who is planning to purchase an affordable housing, then it is high time to thoroughly analyze this before purchasing.

According to a survey report published by reputed real estate consulting firm Monitor Deloitte, the affordable housing projects are a very profitable business proposition for the developers. In most of the prominent cities in India like Mumbai and Delhi, the internal rate of return (IRR) is 45% and there is a gross margin of 24%. Thus, taking up affordable housing projects by the developers is a lucrative proposition for them. Needless to say, there are many private builder organizations that are entering this segment rapidly in the recent years.

Special initiatives for boosting the affordable housing in India

Some of the recently taken initiatives by the union government in India in regards to affordable housing during the Union Budget are discussed in the below pointers:

• Previously developers used to often complain about the high-interest rates which they were required to pay on their borrowings for developing the real estate projects. The infrastructure tag which has been introduced by the Indian government which facilitate the developers and builders to borrow at much lower and attractive rates for developing the affordable housing projects.

• Apart from the Union budget proposed 'infrastructure tag', there have been several allocations, and there are several housing schemes which have been introduced by the government in India. One of the major and most popular investment schemes which the increased budget for the affordable housings is the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojna. The budget of this government housing scheme has been increased from Rs.15,000 crore to Rs. 23,000 crore in the financial year 2017-2018. This is an increase which is as high as 50%.

 વિડિયો જોવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

• In order to boost the housing investment even further, the tenure for the long-term capital gains has been considerably reduced from a three years term to a two years term. Hence, if you are willing to purchase a property in an affordable housing for investment purpose, you can sell the property just after two years and then still claim for some long-term capital gains which have got indexation benefits. This would also encourage several people who are looking at properties with low and medium-term investments.

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health tips updates

health tips updates

In today's scenario, every person wants a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to maintain and improve people's health and well-being or we can say how you can maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. There are many such factors that affect your health, some of them that you can't control such as your age or genetic makeup but you can bring changes in your lifestyle. By taking a few steps towards a healthy life, you can protect yourself from various types of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, or other serious disorders.

Along with a healthy lifestyle, you can only get positive waves out of it, like better feeling, have more energy to do some interesting, more relaxed, looking good, have a nice toned body, strong muscles, healthy and beautiful hair and skin, and you will always be happy and you feel positivity in all around.

A person who is healthy and takes care of themselves that person doesn't smoke, tries to maintain a healthy weight, eats healthy food with plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber and exercise on a daily basis. And the healthy person also knows how to manage stress, doesn't drink too much, and also gets good quality sleep each night. Basically, he/she does everything in moderation all the time. So, if you live a healthy life then you should take a step forward for a better change in your life. But, you don't have to change everything at the same time, have to make small changes in order to proceed in healthier lifestyle such as adding fruits to your meal and go for a walk every day etc. So, there are different ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

• Eat a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables:
Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and definitely include fruits and vegetables with your meal. Because fruits and vegetables are very important to us, they give us vitamins, minerals, and fibers. For example, a full glass of fresh fruit juice at breakfast, an apple, and different vegetables at each meal.

• Drink water daily:
A person should drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day. Because drinking water has many advantages, such as reducing weight, for hair, for our skin, etc.

• Do exercise daily:
Exercise is very important for every person's life. You can do many types of exercises every day, such as cleaning the house, gardening, going for a walk, cycling, stairs climbing etc.

• Reduce the quantity of salt and sugar:
Consumption of excess salt in the food can cause high blood pressure, so we should use less salt. And sugar gives us sweetness, but this can lead to diseases like diabetes. So we should use the minimum of sugar as well.

• Use grains in your diet:
Use more grains in your diet because they not only provide the necessary nutrients to keep you and your family healthy and strong, but there is also dietary fiber in whole grains, which helps in reducing heart disease, cancer, diabetes.

• Don't smoke:
Smoking is harmful to our health because it increases the risk of lung cancer, kidney cancer, and heart attack, etc.

Avoid foods that are bad for your healthy lifestyle:

• You have to avoid sugary drinks.
• Avoid pastries, cookies, and cakes.
• Ice cream is the most delicious foods but it is not good for your health, so avoid it.
• Avoid oily food like French fries and potato chips etc.
• Avoid drinking too much alcohol.

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Thursday 25 November 2021

Education updates 26 November



Education updates

Future of crypto currencies

When you look at the cryptography based currency market, it will appear to be thrilling, concerning and mysterious at the same time. The pioneer, Bitcoin, has gathered am immense popularity in the last few years. The currency no doubt dropped significantly, but has gained back its position once again. Moreover, the ICOs for the new cryptography based currencies are emerging at a rapid phase.

A lot of money is invested in the Bitcoin industry

We cannot ignore the fact that a huge amount of money is invested in the domain. But according to the financial experts, the whole future seems little skeptical. The future about crypto-currency is based more on the predictions of the technological trends and the speculations done. There are some pro crypto-currency advocates who consider a bright future, whereas others warn people with the future of the crypto currency.

Replacement of the national currencies by 2030

It is believed by some of the leading futurists that crypto currency will stay and rule the financial market. It is predicted that the crypto-currencies are going to replace the national currencies by almost 25% by the year 2030. The crypto based currencies are considered more efficient, especially because of the way they function. Hence, replacing the national currencies won't be a very big thing.

In 2009, when Bitcoin was introduced, it showed a lot of potential and it was successful. Within a year's span, it flourished and its growth is still on, making it a legal currency and an asset in several nations. In the last few years, several other crypto type currencies have emerged and their popularity has led to legitimization of the new asset or currency apart from the conventional currencies functioning in the global financial economy.

We cannot deny the fact, that there will be some money that will be lost in the cryptography based currency economy. But, it is also believed that there is a high possibility of making profitable revenue.

You cannot expect the cryptography based currencies to function like cash

The crypto type currencies functions on the blockchain technology and is not tied to any centralized authority unlike the traditional currencies. It is often referred as the blockchain economy some experts. The IRS considers the crypto currency more like a property than the actual currency. It won't be wrong to say that Bitcoin is more or less similar to the real estate selling.

When you are selling your Bitcoin, you are passing on the discreet digital information to someone else. There are several Visa companies that have already made the use of crypto-currencies easier for the regular transactions. But, the crypto-currency is still something that needs to hold a strong position in the mainstream economy.


As for genuine understanding of anything a proper and genuine resource is needed which types are very few in existence and shrouded by bogus ones. It is not necessary that a popular one is perfect, it might be planted by some entities with ulterior motives and hence might be popular. Hence, there is need to resort to the right information resources as  for right or desired results. This also becomes significant in the matters of economy on which everything else in life depends.

પરિપત્ર માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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Wednesday 24 November 2021




A very common question among investors which instrument is better - Ulips or Mutual Funds (MF). Before you start thinking which instrument to invest, let's first understand these two financial instruments.

ULIPs - Unit Linked Insurance Plans

Popularly known as "ULIPs", it is an investment option provided by Insurance Companies. It is a single contract comprising of insurance cover with an investment benefit. The insurance company allots units to the ULIP investors and the net asset value (NAV) is calculated and declared on a daily basis. An investment in ULIP is divided into two parts - a) Life Cover Premium b) Investment. Premium paid in ULIP, certain portion goes for life cover and the remaining portion goes for investment.

Mutual Funds

Mutual Fund is an investment instrument which pools money from many investors and invest in (stocks, bonds, money market instruments). The company allots units to the MF investors and the current value of such investments is calculated on a daily basis and the same is declared through the Net Asset Value.

Difference between ULIPs and Mutual Funds

The basic difference between ULIP and MF is in terms of insurance cover. A ULIP provides a insurance component whereas a MF is a pure investment product. Generally speaking, ULIPs are mutual funds with an insurance cover.

ULIP = Mutual fund + Insurance cover

Now after understanding the difference between ULIP and MF, let's understand in detail which is better investment option - ULIP or MF.

Parameters for comparison

a) Expenses - Expenses incurred in a MF is lesser than the expenses of ULIPs. The reason is expenses in a mutual fund is capped, there is a pre-set upper limit, whereas for ULIPs no upper limit in terms of controlling the expenses is set by the insurance company.

b) Tax benefits - Any investment made in ULIP qualifies under 80 C of income tax act, where an investor can save tax on Rs 1,00, 000. In case of MF, only investment in ELSS (equity linked tax savings scheme) a specific type of mutual fund scheme qualifies for tax benefits under section 80 C.

d) Portfolio disclosure - MF houses are required to statutorily declare their portfolios on a quarterly basis, however there is no such statutory requirements for ULIPs.

e) Return on investment - As both the products are long term investment products, these products have given good returns to its investors. Many analysts' feels, from a long term view ULIP provides better return than MF. However this is not true in all cases, it all depends on the type of investment and the fund manager's skills in managing the funds.

Considering all the above factors, a mutual fund investment is better than ULIPs.

Insurance is meant for your future protection and it takes care of uncertainties in the future. However a MF is meant for only investment. As we investors do not have the expertise to invest in the stock market and other financial instruments, it is possible through MFs.

What is the best investment option?

*✍️🔰📚તા:09/02/2022 નું હોમ લર્નિંગ ડાયરેક યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી.👇🏽*

*✍️🔰📚વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્ર તમારા ધોરણની નીચે આપેલી લિંક ખોલીને આજનું ઓનલાઈન શિક્ષણ મેળવો યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી...*

*✍️ધોરણ-3 પર્યાવરણ*

*✍️ધોરણ-4 પર્યાવરણ*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 હિન્દી*

*✍️ધોરણ-7 હિન્દી*

*✍️ધોરણ-8 હિન્દી*

*✍️ધોરણ-9 વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-12 અંગ્રેજી*

*💥હોમ લર્નિંગ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાઓ👇*


The best investment option available for anyone is - A low-cost term insurance and a good equity mutual fund is the best option available to every investor.

*✍️🔰📚તા:07/02/2022 નું હોમ લર્નિંગ ડાયરેક યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી.👇🏽*

*✍️🔰📚વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્ર તમારા ધોરણની નીચે આપેલી લિંક ખોલીને આજનું ઓનલાઈન શિક્ષણ મેળવો યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી...*

*✍️ધોરણ-1 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-2 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-3 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-4 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-7 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-8 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-9 વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-12 અંગ્રેજી*

Ishita Sharma has rich experience in the field of investments. She writes articles on investments and also reviews investment related articles. For more information on various investments visit -

*✍️🔰📚તા:27/11/2021 નું હોમ લર્નિંગ ડાયરેક યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી.👇🏽*

*✍️🔰📚વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્ર તમારા ધોરણની નીચે આપેલી લિંક ખોલીને આજનું ઓનલાઈન શિક્ષણ મેળવો યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી...*

*✍️ધોરણ-1 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-2 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-3 પ્રવૃત્તિસભર શૈક્ષણિક કાર્યક્રમ*

*✍️ધોરણ-4 પ્રવૃત્તિસભર શૈક્ષણિક કાર્યક્રમ*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 પ્રવૃત્તિસભર શૈક્ષણિક કાર્યક્રમ*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-7 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-8 ગણિત*


*✍️🔰📚તા:26/11/2021 નું હોમ લર્નિંગ ડાયરેક યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી.👇🏽*

*✍️🔰📚વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્ર તમારા ધોરણની નીચે આપેલી લિંક ખોલીને આજનું ઓનલાઈન શિક્ષણ મેળવો યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી...*

*✍️ધોરણ-1 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-2 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-3 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-4 ગણિત*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 પર્યાવરણ*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 हिन्दी*

*✍️ધોરણ-7 हिन्दी*

*✍️ધોરણ-8 हिन्दी*


*✍️🔰📚તા:25/11/2021 નું હોમ લર્નિંગ ડાયરેક યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી.👇🏽*

*✍️🔰📚વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્ર તમારા ધોરણની નીચે આપેલી લિંક ખોલીને આજનું ઓનલાઈન શિક્ષણ મેળવો યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી...*

*✍️ધોરણ-3 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-4 ગુજરાતી*

*✍️ધોરણ-5 અંગ્રેજી*

*✍️ધોરણ-6 વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-7 વિજ્ઞાન*

*✍️ધોરણ-8 વિજ્ઞાન*


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Sas gpf & cpf

 Then there are the choices, the things that are done (the way TE treats the findings every time. Aro and Rakti are not "pective", these = more people call it open thought formation or so called. 

Rules of activity after joining activity.  Also comes jointly, so that self-discipline is formed. TiE activity is a voluntary activity or program in which teachers or students are compulsorily involved.

 7. TE is a process oriented approach. (TIE - in Process - Centered Approach)  If there is no empirical and stimulus and chapter process, then there is no THE.  kinaesthetic) must be processed. THE is a poo study approach so there must be activity in it. The process is made possible by a variety of activities.  Reaches the collective creation and at every stage of it is connected the kind of process that the person has to think, imagine and express. 

 Through this process the manifestation of 'self' takes place and in this process also the subconscious process is involved.  Through it the understanding of 'self' is cultivated.  The same ‘self-expression’ - through various forms of art;  But the end of it is drama. The whole process is a fun, study-oriented and creative journey.  Interaction is of paramount importance in this whole process - actively for part individuals;  

And for those who come as devotees or given for a special purpose, partly actively through it - theatrical techniques can be used to identify or understand the situation and the therapeutic use of the process of building a bridge of mutual understanding.  This Reverse Role (0 swapping) application process proves to be effective for children and adolescents and their parents and teachers. 

GCERT 202122 વાર્ષિક આયોજન ડાઉનલોડ કરો

BLO ને ગરૂડા એપના ઉપયોગ માં પડતી મુશ્કેલીઓ બાબતે રાજ્ય સંઘનો લેટર અને આવેદન પત્ર

SAS માં જી.પી. એફ. અને સી.પી. એફ.ની સ્લીપો ઓનલાઈન મુકાઈ ગઈ છે શિક્ષકની પર્સનલ લોગીનમાં ડાઉનલોડ થશે જુઓ ક્યાંથી ડાઉનલોડ થશે?

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Imp circular


Imp circular

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Gujarat State announces year 2022 public holidays, list of optional holidays



Gujarat State announces year 2022 public holidays, list of optional holidays

It is reported that the Bitcoin is rolling into forbidden grounds as it creates a spate of controversy among the "high" society and savvy digital investors. These digital marketers try to gain their share of the billion-dollar-a-day digital pie while corporate society seeks to curtail the spiral hike in the value of what seems to be a "monetary menace". Some who strive on exploiting the poor and vulnerable are not having this as they try to inoculate the masses in an attempt to put down this growing "digital monster."

These seemingly corporate crooks continue to put a choke-hold on how the less fortunate spend their money as they try to build financial cartels worldwide but thanks to digital technology, Bitcoins have revolutionized money control in the 21st!

The Cons

Despite the growth of digital currencies such as Bitcoins, it would be remiss of me to not disclose the cons of these virtual currencies. Due to the fact that their digital footprints are encrypted, they cannot be traced online. Although one has the pleasure of privacy and security when trading, it provides another gateway to hide and conduct illicit transactions.

When this happens, drug dealers, terrorist and other suspected culprits, will continue to conduct their illicit trade without detection when using Bitcoins.

The Pros

However, amidst the monetary mayhem, Bitcoins offer anyone tremendous investment opportunities and growth potential. No one controls virtual currency as it can be accessed by the public in cyberspace and the value continues to appreciate while the society stumbles on the debris of inflation.

An ordinary man on the streets can buy, save, trade, invest and increase his chances of becoming financially successful without the interference of government restrictions, controls, and fiduciary regulations; hence spiral inflations become things of the past.

Many truly believe the number 1 problem in our society is establishing financial monopolies. When one corporation decides to control foreign exchange, gold, and fuel, it uses its power to dictate how money should be spent.

Regulations set by large and wealthy multi-corporations are only geared to add more wealth and power to their portfolio rather than benefiting borrowers who seek financial help. In addition, the ones at the top try to drain the swamp so others can depend on them while they can become wealthier but they can't control digital currency!

The Brighter Side of the Coin

Time has come to open the eyes of the world and that is what Bitcoin is all about. The ones who try to control the world are threatened by this Frankenstein but I doubt they can stop it or call the shots. Currently, 1 Bitcoin values $844099.07 Jamaican Dollar or $6895.80 US Dollar. The cost for 1 Bitcoin in 2009 was.05 USD!


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Tuesday 23 November 2021

ALL NIBANDHO HERE | 10 important questions and answers related to CPF-NPS



10 important questions and answers related to CPF-NPS

 10 important questions and answers related to CPF-NPS

*નિબંધ લેખન માટે મહત્વપૂર્ણ.*

 👉 ગુજરાતી-નિબંધ

👉 હિન્દી-નિબંધ

👉 અંગ્રેજી-નિબંધ

👉 પ્રથમસત્ર-નિબંધ

👉 બીજાસત્રના-નિબંધ

આ વીડીયોમાં સીપીએફ માટેના મહત્વના પ્રશ્નો જેવા કે

૧.NPS સ્ટેટમેન્ટ મળે છે તેમાં અમુક માસની કપાત બતાવતી નથી તો શું કારણ હોઇ શકે?
(ર) પ્રાણ કાર્ડમાં ભૂલ છે તો સુધારો કઇ રીતે કરી શકાય?
(૪) મોબાઇલ નંબર અને મેઇલ આઇડી નુ શું મહત્વ છે?
(૩) વધુ ટેક્ષ બેનીફીટ માટે tier-II માં રોકાણ કરી શકાય? (પ) નોમીનેશન ડીટેઇલ્સ નથી આપી તો શું કરવું?
(૮) રીટાયરમેન્ટ બાદ કેટલું પેન્શન મળશે?
(૬) GPF માં લોન મળે છે તો CPF માં મળી શકે? (૭) અમુક રકમ જરુરીયાત સમયે ઉપાડી શકાય? (૯) અગાઉની બાકીની રકમ ભરવી હોય તો શું કરવું?
(૧૦) પુરાપગારમાં આવ્યા હોઇ સીપીએફ નંબર મેળવવા શું કરવુ?

In this video important questions for CPF such as
1. What could be the reason if the NPS statement does not show a deduction of some months?
(Ii) If there is an error in the prana card, how can it be corrected?
(2) What is the significance of mobile number and mail ID?
(3) Can I invest in tier-II for more tax benefits? (V) What to do if nomination details are not given?
(2) How much pension will you get after retirement?
(2) If I get a loan in GPF, can I get it in CPF? (2) Can certain amount be withdrawn in time of need?
(10) What to do to get CPF number after coming to Purapagar?
(2) What to do if the previous balance is to be paid?

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Nowadays, the popularity of home security systems is on the rise. The reason is that consumers can choose from a lot of these products without any problem. But the question is, what are these systems? Moreover, how do they function, and what type of security system you should go for? In this article, we are going to answer all of these questions. Read on to find out more.

What is a Home Security System?

Basically, the purpose of these devices is to protect your home against unauthorized access. These devices are dependent on a central control system. If somebody tries to get into your house without your permission, these systems will send you an alert so you can take proper steps.

Generally, there are several components of these systems. Given below is the description of some of the components.

Control Panel

As the name suggests, this panel is the control system of the security devices. It creates a connection between all of the devices. In most cases, the control panel is fixed on the wall and features a touchpad. You can enter your passcode or give a voice command to have access to your house or office.

Outdoor Security Cameras

Generally, security cameras are installed in order to keep an eye on the entry points of a home or office. In most cases, these cameras are either wired or wireless based on your personal preferences.

The good thing about these cameras is that they provide a live stream. Plus, they can give you an alert when the camera detects a movement. Some of these cameras are infrared night vision ones. You can use these cameras to keep an eye on someone even if there is total darkness out there.

Indoor Security Cameras

Apart from outdoor cameras, indoor cameras can be an ideal choice for homeowners. As a matter of fact, if you want to install a powerful home security system, you can use these cameras. If these cameras detect a movement at night, they will send a notification to your smartphone.

You can install these cameras if you have pets in your house. The idea is to make sure you can keep an eye on all of your houses at all times. You can even keep an eye on your house no matter where you are in the world as these systems are connected to the internet.

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors, as the name suggests, are installed on the main door or gates of a house office. The function of these devices is to detect motion and send you an alert.


At times, you may need an additional alarm if the control panel has no alarm in it. The alarm will get activated when someone tries to get unauthorized access to your home or office. Apart from this, the loud noise of these alarms will scare the intruder away.

The good thing is that some of these alarms send an alert to a police station. The idea is to make sure that the police check on the house to make sure it is safe.

So, this was an introduction to home security systems and the components of the systems. Hopefully, this article will help you secure your house.
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